Karl Schmidt - Fractional CTO

30 Day Sketching Challenge: Wacom Tablet Edition

Last month I completed my first 30 day sketching challenge, with nothing but a pen and a pad of paper. This month I did the same challenge, but with the Wacom ‘Bamboo’ tablet that I bought years ago and used only a handful of times. The learning/comfort curve was high enough that I never dedicated time to getting past that - but no more! I spent time every day in June drawing something.

I’ve arranged all the sketches in chronological order, click to see the full size:


Thanks for checking out my work. I explored colour a few times, as well as attempted to draw some difficult things (Steve Jobs, comic characters)

Next art challenge for myself: 30 day sketching challenge with my iPad + a capacitive stylus! I was actually out of town for June 15th and 16th, so those two are a preview of my current iPad sketching abilities 🙂

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